Monday, February 11, 2013

Lets Make Something For Our World


1- Slow down to cut costs and cut carbon! Slowing down from 75 mph to 65 mph will drop your highway gasoline consumption 15 percent.

2- If everyone took 30 seconds to inflate their tires to the proper pressure we would save 200,000 barrels of oil a day!

3- Bring Your Own Bag: You'll save one mile's worth of petroleum for every 14 plastic bags you don't use. Not to mention cut down on pollution-we throw away over 30 billion one time use bags each year.

4- The paper industry is the world's 3rd largest contributor to global warming. Choose Recycled TP next time you're at the store.

5- Ditch the screensaver- it wastes a ton of energy! Grab a 30 Seconds to Mars or ItsYourNature wallpaper instead.

6- Unplug your electronics! At the end of the day shut down your computer, unplug your cell charger, coffee bean grinder, and hair dryer. It only takes 30 seconds and it all adds up.

7- Take shorter showers, turn off the water while you brush your teeth and shave, and run washing machines and dishwashers only when they're full. If you wash dishes by hand, fill the sink or dishpan with water, rather than running the tap continuously as you scrub.

8- Put on a sweater and lower the thermostat in the winter. At night, add an extra blanket to the bed and turn the heat way down.

9- Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl)
CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. This simple switch will save about 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.